FCSExpress is a comprehensive flow cytometry data analysis program that was designed by scientists who wanted better, more robust software at a reasonable price. It takes full advantage of the drag and drop capabilities of the Windows environment to allow the placement of overlays, markers, quadrants and almost anything else, with just a few clicks of the mouse. FCS Express provides WYSIWYG printing (screens are printed exactly as they are laid out) and also allows an entiren workspace to be saved as a layout file that can be reloaded as if the file had never been left. FCS data can be embedded into the layout file, so that collaborators can view each other’s work. Five different plot types — histograms, dot plots, density plots, color dot plots and contour plots — are all available. Density and contour plots can be printed in grayscale for publication purposes. Flexible batch processing is built directly into the heart of the system to get results out quickly. Once an analysis protocol is set and FCS Express is instructed which files are to be analyzed in this fashion, the rest is automatic. FCS Express reads FCS file formats from all flow cytometry manufacturers and allows histogram subtractions, calculation of absolute counts, calibration of fluorescence to absolute number of binding sites, easy export to other software and much, much more.